📊 DISTRIBUTION EVALUATION MEETING 📊 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Alor Regency

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December 13, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, December 13, 2024, at the BPS Alor Regency Office Meeting Room, a Distribution Evaluation Meeting was held. This event was attended by Mr. Mangiring Situmorang (Head of BPS Alor Regency), Mr. Gustav P. Moata (Head of General Affairs), Mrs. Agnes P. Niron (Commitment Making Officer), and Mr. Haji Djasingtang (Head of the Distribution Statistics Team), as well as Partners, and also Employees who have participated in distribution activities.
This activity aims to evaluate each activity carried out during this 1 year and also to obtain input from partners regarding the implementation of activities during 2024.
With this activity, it is hoped that all parties will be able to understand the importance of implementing Distribution Statistics surveys in accordance with the applicable Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Because a good understanding will contribute to maintaining the accuracy and relevance of the data produced.

Want to know about other activities?
Please visit the BPS Alor Social Media account:
📱Fb & Youtube: Bps Kabupaten Alor
📷 Ig, Tiktok, Twitter: @bpskabalor
🌐Web: alorkab.bps.go.id

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Alor (Statistics of Alor Regency)Jl. Panglima Polem No 17 Kalabahi Alor NTT

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Mailbox : bps5307@bps.go.id


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